Lesbian dictionary

What is a goldstar lesbian?

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Team LesBeSocial

3 minutes read
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The term "gold star lesbian" has been around for a while, but it is a problematic phrase. What does it mean? A "gold star lesbian" is someone who has never had sex with a man and a "gold star gay" is a gay man who has never had sex with a woman. The term implies that there is something special or superior about lesbians who have never slept with men. This is a harmful way of thinking for a couple of reasons discussed below.

What the term "gold star lesbian" means?

The phrase "gold star lesbians" is used to describe queer women who have never slept with a man. While the term is often used in a joking way, it also serves as a reminder that not all lesbians have had the same experiences. For some lesbians, the decision to never sleep with a man is a political statement, while for others it is simply a matter of personal preference.

Why the term is problematic

The phrase "gold star lesbian" is often used to describe lesbians who have never slept with a man. While this may sound like a compliment, it's actually quite problematic for a few reasons.

First, it implies that there is only one correct way to be a lesbian, and that is by being exclusively attracted to women. This exclusionary attitude is harmful to trans women, who are often seen as less legitimate members of the LGBT community. It also erases the experiences of bisexual women, who are often told that they are "not really lesbians" if they have had sex with a man.

Second, the term suggests that other lesbians who are attracted to men are somehow lesser than those who are not. This is not only untrue, but it can also be damaging to gay women who may already feel insecure about their sexual orientation.

Finally, the term "gold star lesbian" implies that being a lesbian is something that needs to be earned as if it were a badge of honor. This is demeaning and offensive to all lesbians, who should be respected for their sexuality regardless of who they're attracted to.


"Gold star lesbian" is a problematic phrase that should be retired. It implies that there is only one correct way to be a lesbian, and that is by being exclusively attracted to other women. This exclusionary attitude is harmful to trans lesbians and bisexual women, who are often seen as less legitimate members of the LGBT community.

There is no one right way to be a lesbian, and each person's experience is valid and deserving of respect. In short, the term "gold star lesbian" is more harmful than it is helpful and should be avoided.

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